Count to two. Quick right? According to the American Red Cross every two seconds someone in the United States needs blood or platelets.
“Most of the time when they use blood it’s literally in one of the worst times in someone’s life. A lot of the time it’s literally saving lives,” explained long time blood donor Logan Stapleton.
There are many uses for blood and platelets: children with leukemia, car crash survivors, or communities whose towns have been ravaged by natural disasters.
During the pandemic blood donations dropped significantly.
Andi Bartz, works at the Masonic Cancer Center where many of her patients couldn’t produce their own blood or platelets and less donors meant it was harder for patients to qualify to get more transfusions.
“Their hemoglobin had to drop a lot more before they were eligible to get more blood so that’s why I started to donate blood, was for the cancer patients,” said Bartz.
Plus during the month of April you’ll be saving lives in style with a viral Snoopy shirt. These shirts have been blowing up on TikTok and have brought a significant increase in donors.
“Everyone loves Snoopy. Its Joe Cool who doesn’t love snoopy? I think it’s amazing that we’re getting the recognition over this fun t-shirt. Ya know be cool donate blood like hello!” said collection technician Andrea Maimone.
But for many a free Snoopy shirt may not be enough to get them past their fear of needles but donors and staff say there’s no need to be afraid.
Maimone said “I think a lot of people are just fearful of the unknown with needles especially a lot of people do not like needles but I feel if they’re given more education in knowing that hey it’s a simple procedure and you know you’re on this bed less than ten minutes most times”
And Bartz assures those who are fearful that the staff is there every step of the way.
“They definitely do their best to make sure you’re comfortable through the whole experience if you are someone who maybe is a little bit scared of needles they do cover them up and stuff like that so it’s nothing to be worried about”
All you have to do is sit back, relax, and roll up a sleeve.